Raksha Kumar brings us the stories of three generations of Kashmiris – whose lives illustrate the changing nature of this decades-long conflict between India and Pakistan.
Correction: This story misstates the ratio of soldiers to civilians in Kashmir. Some local media say the correct ratio is one soldier, police officer or paramilitary troop for every 30 civilians. But the real number is difficult to estimate, as the Indian government does not publish numbers. One of the most recent estimates is a 2015 report by the Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society, a think tank, which says there were between 650,000 and 750,000 Indian troops in the region. (More recent tallies are not available, as the leaders of JKCCS have since been arrested.) The most recent Indian census figures, from 2011, put the population of Jammu and Kashmir at 12,500,000. That means the ratio would be one soldier, police officer or paramilitary troop for every 18 civilians.
This segment aired on June 2, 2022.
Published on WBUR.org.
Published on June 2, 2022
Link: Stories of 3 generations of Kashmiri men display India’s authoritarian slide | Here & Now (wbur.org)